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Old 07-04-2024, 03:55 PM
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LeeR LeeR is offline
Retired with Way Too Many Kits
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,286

I had a pest control solicitor yesterday. He rang the bell, I saw he had an iPad or similar, and decided I would not answer. He finally went away. About 15 minutes later I was out front doing some yard work, and here comes the guy back into our cul-de-sac. He was riding a Segway. (Pretty fast, he was at our house before I could back inside!)

He yells out a greeting, so I decided I would be cordial, and say hello. He starts rattling off that he is helping others people in the neighborhood. I stop him and ask him what he was selling, and I still get the evasive dialog. He asks if I know Susie in the house behind us. Yes, I reply, she moved out. So, what are you selling?

He replies Preventative Insect Treatment.

Me: Not interested. Whatever insects we might have get eaten by the birds. So we do not have a problem.

Bug Guy: This is a preventive treatment program.

Me: I just told you I do not have a problem, so no need to treat a non-existent problem.

BugGuy: I will . . . (I cut him off.)

Me: I am going in now. Best of luck. Bye.

In the past I might have told someone to get lost. But you never know now. They might come back later to do some damage to your house to get back at you. I also no longer leave cars in the driveway. They are always garaged.
I take this approach because we raised two girls. Pranks and vandalism were an issue when they were teenagers, from guys they told to take a hike. :-)
Lee Reep
NAR 55948

Projects: Semroc Saturn 1B
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Launch-Ready:KFD Mini Satellite Interceptor
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