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Old 11-11-2023, 01:02 PM
ManofSteele ManofSteele is offline
Level 5 Certified
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Sandy, UT
Posts: 206

It's still in work, but running late.

The gentleman who has been doing most of my laser cutting and most of my 3D printing had a catastrophic health crisis in early September and is no longer able to make my parts. I have been focused on getting everything back on line with new suppliers since them, leaving me no time to do the final tweaks to the model before I release it.

I have all of my laser cutting back on line, but it is going to take me a bit longer to get the 3D printing going. Since the SLS has a lot of 3D printed parts, I have to get that up and running first. I do not know what the final price of the kit will be, either.

Plus my day job has kept me busy as well.

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