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Old 02-12-2022, 03:31 PM
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mbauer mbauer is offline
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Location: Nikiski, Alaska
Posts: 354

Originally Posted by burkefj
Nice, so your motor is behind the CG so you will get nose heavy as you boost, so will need some up trim programmed after burnout. The D2.3 weighs 29grams instead of the B-6-4 which weighs 19 grams.

If you are boosting vertically you really want to limit your rtf weight to about 5.75 oz but I've gone as high as 6, if you angle it you can get away with more, I've found 5 oz is a pretty optimum weight for a sport flying rc rocket glider with rear mounted motor for the D2.3.

If you use micro servos/rx/battery instead of a brick you can probably do about 1.2-1.5 oz plus 29 grams for the motor you are at about 5.5 without nose weight, can maybe be a bit lighter on components and optimize placement, your nose moment is about the same as the motor mount location so you might be a bit heavy for vertical takeoff.

I'm sure the elevons will be fine for roll/pitch I've done that a lot even in straight wing designs.


Hi Frank,

Been checking your videos out. Some great models!

Yes, with all you say.

This is a first build, going to change the model some, shorten the height and width of fuselage some, should save weight. Might change the glue to super glue to save weight as well.

If needed I can go to a 28" wingspan to save even more weight.

Waiting on my Aerotech order to get here so I can actually fit the hardware.

Plan to flight test these before actual flight with the reload.

Thank you for the heads up, great points. Voice of experience, thank you for sharing.

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