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Old 07-05-2015, 07:35 AM
dannymrmissile dannymrmissile is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: NC
Posts: 597
Default Scan

Originally Posted by gpoehlein
That is exactly what I was hoping for! Any way you can scan those instructions and submit them to Scott? That is just the sort of information that needs to be shared! And if you can take some good photos of the nose cones with a ruler for scale (exact side shots are best so an accurate measurement can be taken). Pity you don't have a fin unit, but beggars can't be choosers! Post what you can when you can - and if you need any help, there are lots of folk here besides me who will gladly do the scans and pics of they can borrow the plans and parts for a short time.

Do you want scans of the Whole Booklet-its only 8 pages long & has stuff like the NAR code, Rocket talk, etc. 3 Pages, maybe 4 have the 3 Plans you need. You want me to send the SCANS & Pics. Here? This was the 1st 'Newsletter' Vern made in 1960-1, was lucky to get it. There will be Lots of Pics sent ! Oh-I had the scott@rocketshop thing, but lost it--maybe just send a link here for me to go directly on to where you want it. Danny.
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