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Old 01-24-2011, 12:54 AM
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Originally Posted by Mark II
I think that this is more art than science. You develop a feel for where your rockets will land based on your knowledge of the specific field, your experience launching rockets in it under various conditions, and your experience launching your specific rockets with various motors. It all gets combined and processed in your brain to produce something akin to an intuitive feel for the process. I wish it could be reduced to a set of equations, I really do. No expert system or artificial intelligence ever invented has ever had anything like the information processing power of the human brain, nor has any technology ever had anything approaching the incredibly tight coordination of eye, hand and mind. The quadrillions of computations that are executed between our ears every second take place at a level just below consciousness, and they produce results that we perceive as intuition and experience-derived knowledge. I suspect that the most successful predictions of the landing spots for our unguided model rockets will be achieved through the use of these stupendously powerful tools.

In other pursuits, this is sometimes known as a "home field advantage."

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