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Faithwalker 03-09-2021 03:16 AM

Estes Multi-Pad Launcher and Controller
9 Attachment(s)
Edit: This was originally posted in the RIP Ken Montanye -- the Rocket Doctor thread,
Originally Posted by Faithwalker
Ken sent me this Models in Motion video that his 4-H Model Rocket club did back in 1972 for the Hobby Industry Of America. According to Ken, the video was shown on TV four times and received a bronze award in competition featuring Model Rocketry:
Ken can be seen in the video with blonde hair and wearing a green 4-H shirt launching model rockets. Ken Montanye was NAR #9803 SR.

In the Models in Motion video in which Ken appeared back in 1972, he can be seen launching model rockets with the Estes Multi-Pad Launcher and Controller. Ken prided himself on having one of only 100 of these Multi-Pad sets that Estes ever produced. The Estes Multi-Pad was developed by Mike Dorffler and the R&D team at Estes in 1970 and was made available in the 1971 and 1972 Estes Catalogs. This Estes Multi-Pad system was catalog #711-MFS-1 and sold for the handsome sum of $150 back then in 1971-72. The set had a built-in public address system including a push-to-talk microphone and an efficient outdoor speaker.

Ken sent me some photos of that same Estes Multi-Pad Launcher and Controller used in the video which he still had for nearly 50 years, although now showing battle scars of much well-worn use.

Kind regards,
Jeff Jenkins
aka: Faithwalker
NAR #46879 SR

Earl 03-09-2021 06:56 AM

I remember Ken talking about that system in some of our email exchanges. Glad he shared some photos of it. Yes, it does look like it got a good bit of use way back when. I wonder how many of those systems even survive today? Probably not many I wouldn’t think.


tbzep 03-09-2021 07:27 AM

Originally Posted by Faithwalker
Multi-Pad was developed by Mike Dorffler and the R&D team at Estes in 1970

Going by my handy dandy google searched inflation calculator, $150 in 1970 dollars would be $1,011.27 today. :eek:

tbzep 03-09-2021 07:35 AM

Going by the photos and comparing to the images in the instruction manual, it seems that particular controller has been modified with a PA on/off switch. I assume in stock condition it was on all the time. The panel also had one more item added on the left at some point. Any idea what used to be there?

Faithwalker 03-09-2021 09:39 AM

Estes Multi-Pad
2 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by Earl
I remember Ken talking about that system in some of our email exchanges. Glad he shared some photos of it. Yes, it does look like it got a good bit of use way back when. I wonder how many of those systems even survive today? Probably not many I wouldn’t think.


Well, I know of at least one other set personally that I have. Ken mentioned to me that he knew of two others that still exist somewhere, but he did not mention where they were or who had them.

I had the privilege of meeting personally with Vern Estes who posed with me and the Estes Multi-Pad Controller that I have at the NARAM-60 Rocketeer Reunion on August 4, 2018, in Pueblo, Colorado.

Kind regards,
Jeff Jenkins
aka: Faithwalker
NAR #46879 SR

Royatl 03-09-2021 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by Faithwalker
In the Models in Motion video in which Ken appeared back in 1972, he can be seen launching model rockets with the Estes Multi-Pad Launcher and Controller. Ken prided himself on having one of only 100 of these Multi-Pad sets that Estes ever produced. The Estes Multi-Pad was developed by Mike Dorffler and the R&D team at Estes in 1970 and was made available in the 1971 and 1972 Estes Catalogs. This Estes Multi-Pad system was catalog #711-MFS-1 and sold for the handsome sum of $150 back then in 1971-72. The set had a built-in public address system including a push-to-talk microphone and an efficient outdoor speaker.

Ken sent me some photos of that same Estes Multi-Pad Launcher and Controller used in the video which he still had for nearly 50 years, although now showing battle scars of much well-worn use.

Kind regards,
Jeff Jenkins
aka: Faithwalker
NAR #46879 SR

Jeff, I suggest you start a new thread with this. Possibly under another subject on the forum. This is too great info to be buried in this thread.

Faithwalker 03-09-2021 09:55 AM

Estes Multi-Pad
8 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by tbzep
Going by the photos and comparing to the images in the instruction manual, it seems that particular controller has been modified with a PA on/off switch. I assume in stock condition it was on all the time. The panel also had one more item added on the left at some point. Any idea what used to be there?

I'm not sure why Ken's Estes Multi-Pad Launch Controller had those modifications. The set that I have does not have those. Ken did tell me that he had Vern Estes personally work on his set at least once or twice to make repairs. The Estes Multi-Pad Controller has a volume control knob in the lower right hand corner. The on-off control was accomplished by the push-to-talk button on the side of the hand-held microphone. Here are some close up photos of the Estes Multi-Pad Launch Controller that I have for comparison. The one that I have is in good working order.

Kind regards,
Jeff Jenkins
aka: Faithwalker
NAR #46879 SR

tbzep 03-09-2021 10:14 AM

Originally Posted by Faithwalker
The Estes Multi-Pad Controller has a volume control knob in the lower right hand corner. The on-off control was accomplished by the push-to-talk button on the side of the hand-held microphone. Here are some close up photos of the Estes Multi-Pad Launch Controller that I have for comparison. The one that I have is in good working order.

I suspect there is no true on/off for the OEM Multi-Pad. I'm guessing it stays on all the time and you just key up the mike. The modification was probably to cut power to the amp, either to save battery or to eliminate hum if the pot doesn't spin all the way down to ground.

Faithwalker 03-09-2021 10:14 AM

Estes Multi-Pad
Originally Posted by Royatl
Jeff, I suggest you start a new thread with this. Possibly under another subject on the forum. This is too great info to be buried in this thread.

Thanks, Roy.

Sure, I can start a new thread on the Estes Multi-Pad Launcher and Controller, but I wanted to share these particular images and information to give credit to Ken Montanye and his memory.

I'll attempt to gather the photos and information that I have on the Estes Multi-Pad Launcher and Controller to start a new thread, but it will be later, sometime this evening possibly.

Edit: Perhaps Scott Hansen can assist by copying everything in this thread from post #20 going forward and can entitle it, "Estes Multi-Pad Launcher and Controller," and can put it in the appropriate sub-heading category. Scott, can you help with this please? Thanks.

Kind regards,
Jeff Jenkins
aka: Faithwalker
NAR #46879 SR

Faithwalker 03-10-2021 03:13 PM

Estes Multi-Pad

Thanks for your help getting this thread transferred!

Kind regards,
Jeff Jenkins
aka: Faithwalker
NAR #46879 SR

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