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georgegassaway 02-26-2019 08:02 PM

Estes Mars Lander nozzle dimensions?
Can someone give me the dimensions for the main engine nozzle of the Estes Mars Lander?

The small diameter (top), large diameter (bottom), and height?

scott_mills 02-26-2019 10:39 PM

Ok George, remember mine is in rough shape but here is what I measure. Bottom of cone diameter is 39mm, length is 25mm, top of cone is 29mm

georgegassaway 02-27-2019 09:02 PM

Thanks, Scott.

scott_mills 03-01-2019 12:48 AM

I just realized I added periods to the first two numbers , please ignore the periods

BEC 03-01-2019 12:52 PM

I was wondering about those numbers....they seemed pretty small. Now they make lots more sense.

ghrocketman 04-04-2023 08:35 AM

Bigg Enuff.

georgegassaway 04-04-2023 11:04 AM

Originally Posted by ghrocketman
Bigg Enuff.

I needed to know the dimensions so that 3D Jedi Master "Mech-G" could create a file for printing, for the Mars Lander Quadcopter.

ghrocketman 04-04-2023 11:40 AM

George, your Mars Lander quad-copter is freakin' AWESOME !!!
Possibly the best rocket project I have seen in the 45 years in this hobby.

What do you use for power ?
An Aerotech full-impulse 18mm D ?

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