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rraeford 01-01-2024 02:28 PM

Estes Maxi Pershing 1A Nose Cone
Has anyone made a copy of the Pershing 1A nose cone that I can get, print or have printed?
I know someone made a fiberglass one years ago but it weighed a ton (figurative one, not an actual ton) I have the nice kit that Boyce made - but it's BT-80 size and I want to make a 4 inch version. I have everything but the nose cone.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks. 01-01-2024 02:49 PM

Leo DeNutz drew up these parts several years ago.


NOLA_BAR 01-01-2024 06:42 PM

Boyce also does the Maxi-Brute BT-101 version of the Pershing 1a.

rraeford 01-01-2024 08:26 PM

Yes, I see that now. Can?t believe I didn?t see it before.

NOLA_BAR 01-01-2024 09:46 PM

The Boyce kit must need a load of nose weight. If you need a BT-101 body tube you can use the Estes Saturn V main body tube.

tbzep 01-02-2024 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by NOLA_BAR
The Boyce kit must need a load of nose weight. If you need a BT-101 body tube you can use the Estes Saturn V main body tube.

The Estes kit used a lot of clay in the nose as well. I remember spending quite a bit of time packing it into the nose. That was probably 45 years ago, though, so maybe I just think I remember it. :chuckle:

rraeford 01-02-2024 03:45 PM

A friend of mine still has his built up model. He modernized it with the Boyce printed fins but he has his original nose. It flew well enough BITD. Always exciting on a D12. Thanks to more powerful motors, it gets up there so much better. I am less worried about the weight. You?re right though. It?s probably a brick.

jeffyjeep 01-02-2024 04:05 PM

Originally Posted by NOLA_BAR
The Boyce kit must need a load of nose weight. If you need a BT-101 body tube you can use the Estes Saturn V main body tube.

It does indeed need a buttload of nose weight. I ended up using #8 chilled lead shot encased in epoxy.

tbzep 01-02-2024 06:34 PM

Originally Posted by rraeford
A friend of mine still has his built up model. He modernized it with the Boyce printed fins but he has his original nose. It flew well enough BITD. Always exciting on a D12. Thanks to more powerful motors, it gets up there so much better. I am less worried about the weight. You?re right though. It?s probably a brick.

I flew mine on a D12-3 when I was a kid. I will fly a 1/100 Saturn V or a 1/70 Saturn 1B on a D12-3 all day with no fear (calm air), but the way the Pershing flew, I decided I was very lucky to recover it in one piece. I immediately retired it and never flew it again.

tdracer 01-02-2024 10:49 PM

Originally Posted by jeffyjeep
It does indeed need a buttload of nose weight. I ended up using #8 chilled lead shot encased in epoxy.

I did the same thing - lead shot incased in epoxy.
To put the amount of ballast required into perspective, the CG needs to be only about an inch aft of the forward end of the main BT101 Body Tube :eek:
I didn't weight the amount of ballast I used, but the nose cone weighs as much as the rest of the rocket - and it's not a light rocket.

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